06There are many web hosting services on the market right now. If you are going to start your first website, then you need a web hosting that worked out everything and let you only focus on creating content. If you already have a website and you are tired of your hosting and find a replacement that we have just web hosting to suggest: JustHost. We are going to do a JustHost review for 2018 in here.
You may have heard of it or maybe not, but if you are reading this then you are really in for the treat as this hosting is one step solution for you. they have some of the best features of all other web hosting service and you will love it.
The first thing we need to know why it’s different and why you must prefer JustHost as your web hosting service for WordPress website.
Why choose JustHost as web hosting service?
JustHost has been around for more than a decade. They are in top 5 most valued web hosting in the UK. They have more than 200,000 active users and provide the best service to them. Let’s look at their features.
JustHost Features
- Unlimited Disk Space,
- Unlimited Bandwidth,
- Unlimited Domain Hosting
- Unlimited Email Accounts,
- Unlimited MYSQL Databases
- Free Drag and Drop Website Builder Tool
- Free Domain Name Registration (for 1 year)
- Free Instant Backup
- 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
- Unlimited POP3/POP3 Secure Email Support,
- Unlimited Add-on, Sub-domains and Parked Domains
- Google Adwords Free $100 Credits
- Outstanding uptime guarantee
- 1-Click WordPress Installer
- Trendy Site Builder 1-Click Installer, TomatoCart 1-Click Installer, Drupal 1-Click Installer, Joomla 1-Click Installer, Magento 1-Click Installer (so there are a ton of options apart from WordPress)
This just the beginning and not the whole package deal, once you join them, there is many more perk you can get. Let go deeper with a JustHost feature in JustHost review for 2018.
Free Domain Name Registration
If you are a new blogger and just want to start then there is great news for you. you can get one free domain registration, all in the package. Which mean till the time you use their hosting, they will be paying for your domain. If you already have an old domain, you keep it and move in with them and all are this for free.
Free Website Builder
For all the new blogger or website owner, who don’t know how to create their website, JustHost has the solution to that. They have a free website builder which can help you create a website in a matter of minutes. You just need to drag and drop the object and your website will be ready.
cPanel From Just Host
They have some of the easiest to use cPanel and it’s a good thing as it won’t complicate things and make it easy for you to use. If you don’t believe us, take a tour of JustHost cPanel. It’s a demo cPanel, design to show you, how easy it would be after you use JustHost services.
30 Days Money Back Guarantee
What is better than a guarantee that you will get your money back in one month, but that’s not where it ends. Some people might argue that first month they might provide better service and when the 30-day limit is over and you can get a refund, they would lower the level of service. Well, that won’t happen with JustHost as now you have a chance to get back your money even after 30 days. If you don’t want to continue your service after 2 months, you will get back your 10 months of money. They will cut the charges for the free domain you took and other services. This offer is only for the hosting and doesn’t apply to any other addon you get.
Customer service
They have some of the best customer support which you can get from Chat, phone, and email. They have a team of an expert tech person who can help you 24/7.
Once you start to use JustHost web hosting service, you would realize what was missing from your last host. But after all, its all about money. When we talk about price and compare it with other, the buck stops at JustHost.
JustHost Pricing
Right now under Introductory Offer, you can get this hosting for the really cheap price. You just need to pay $3.95 Per/Month for this hosting. If you compare it with others, you might get a cheaper price but you can find more feature than JustHost. Check out their pricing page which is actually their feature page at JustHost.
JustHost hosting plans
If you are looking for something more advanced than they have three plans, here is the overview of every plan.
NORMALLY $9.49 | NORMALLY $10.99 | NORMALLY $14.99 |
Now $3.95* PER MONTH | $6.95* PER MONTH | $6.95* PER MONTH |
Websites 1 | Websites 10 | Websites Unlimited |
Website Space 50 GB | Website Space 150 GB | Website Space Unmetered |
Bandwidth Unmetered | Bandwidth Unmetered | Bandwidth Unmetered |
Performance Standard | Performance Standard | Performance Standard |
Included Domains 1 | Included Domains 1 | Included Domains 1 |
Parked Domains 5
Sub Domains 25 |
Parked Domains 20 | Parked Domains Unlimited |
Email Accounts 5 | Sub Domains 50 | Sub Domains Unlimited |
Email Storage 100 MB Per Account | Email Storage 500 MB Per Account
Marketing Offers $150 Included Extras Over $24/Yr In Extras Spam Prevention 1 SpamExperts
Email Accounts Unlimited
Email Storage Unlimited Marketing Offers $200 Included Extras Over $80/Yr In Extras Spam Prevention 1 SpamExperts Privacy Protection 1 Domain Privacy Backup Protection Site Backup
As you can see, there are tons of benefit to use JustHost.
Our Take
We have used many hosting plans over the years and every one has their good feature and a bad one. There is no apparently in bad feature of JustHost, we are recommending it to you. visit JustHost website today and use their service.
We hope this article would help you find the right hosting service. We have tried to cover everything in our review of JustHost 2018 but If you have any more question, do let us know in the comments.
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