Top 8 Best Google Search Engine Alternative List of 2017
Now a day’s everyone used to search everything in a search engine only which makes your life so simple and easy. Even we can get to know everything in a simple manner. Normal people also can understand very easily. This is a very simple process. These search engines have designed by very well know algorithms. But like said that every coin has two sides it’s up to you how it is using because it has so many advantages as compared to disadvantages. These search engines come out in the best result. Even there are so many people depended on this search engine. You will get everything so advanced in a reliable way.
Here are Top 8 Best Google Alternatives Search Engines.
1) Bing

The best alternative search engine of google. Bing search comes default with Microsoft products, such as Windows and Windows Phone. If you are regular google user, then you will find that Bing also gives you the same experience which google gives you. You can search image, videos, web, news, maps, and more. According to Microsoft, Bing uses their own algorithm to rank pages in the search result.
2) Yahoo Search

Yahoo holds less than 10% market share in the global desktop search market. Yahoo search was one of the biggest competitors to Google. When Bing launched Yahoo became the third search engine. Yahoo uses their own algorithm to rank pages in the search result. But, it is not advanced as Google and Bing.
3) Duck Duck Go

It is popularly known for protecting the privacy of users. In order to generate search result, they are partnered with yahoo and Bing and yummly. It has a very clean interface. Duck Duck Go offers infinite scrolling in a very user-friendly manner.
4) was previously based on Ask Jeeves. Its search result is based on Question format. Here you can get all the answer for your questions. And it integrates a large amount of data of answer for the question. With you will get the better result which will not get in google and yahoo.

In late 1990’s Dogpile was one of the most searchable search engines but after that Google over the place and Dogpile faded in obscurity. Now Dogpile is coming back with growing index and a clean quick presentation. If you want to try a search tool with pleasant presentation and helpful cross-links than you should try Dogpile.
6) Yippy

Yippy is a web search engine that searches other search engines for you. If you are searching for obscure hobby interest blogs, obscure government information, tough-to-find obscure news, academic research and otherwise-obscure content, then Yippy is your tool.

GIBIRU is the fastest search engine. If you are browsing with GIBIRU, then you don’t have to worry about the confidential data. It gives search results from the popular search engine, Google. The loyalists often admire this search engine. This search engine doesn’t reveal your identity. It doesn’t obtain your cookies or IP address while browsing. Google’s tracking system is not practiced by this search engine. In Chrome and Firefox, you can make it a homepage.
8) Hulbee

Hulbee is a safe and fast search engine. You will get exact results of your keyword. They utilize the Intelligent information system but deletes all your information and search history. They don’t record your IP addresses and cookies which let you do safe internet access. It protects you from malware and third-party.
So these were best, top and famous google alternatives search engines of 2017. If you don’t want to be tracked from any third-party then use these untraceable search engines. These private search engines also protect you from hackers and ransomware. So, use these search engines next time you work on the internet.