The essay is a short composition on a single topic which describes the student’s knowledge about the particular topic. Essay writing is an important skill which helps both school and college grade students to improve their thinking and English writing skills.
Essay writing often seems to be a feared task among students. Whether it is a writing an essay for school assignments or for any other contest. Most of the students, find the task challenging. Therefore, being a mandatory task, it is important that students are well prepared with all the essential essay writing skills. Students can practice writing the essay on a daily basis on different topics, including about the pollution, Evolution, Antibiotics, etc.
A general essay consists of three major paragraphs.
The introduction
The introduction in an essay describes and gives the brief explanation of a topic. The introduction should be written in such a way that it draws the reader’s attention and show the focus of the essay topic.
The body
The body in an essay includes everything about the topic. In the body, try to explain or describe either in points or in different paragraphs. Start every paragraph with the same basic structure. Include all the detailed ideas, experience, examples, and other relative information.
The conclusion
The conclusion is the end part of an essay which brings an end to the topic. The conclusion in an essay should consist of four to five strong sentences and try to summarize all your ideas by providing a final perspective on the topic.
Tips and Tricks for Writing a Perfect Essay
- At first, select the topic for an essay writing by referring the textbooks or any other reference study materials.
- Prepare the outline for the essay with introduction, body, and the conclusion.
- Collect the important points by referring books, browsing the internet and make your own points.
- Explain your ideas in the most practical and clearest way as you can.
- Always begin the introductory paragraph with the motivating and fascinating sentence.
- Use simple language in an essay so that the reader can understand very easily.
- Finish the introductory paragraph with a short summary.
- Try to conclude the essay by writing the overall viewpoint about the topic and add three to five strong sentences or points to provide reinforcement of the topic.
- Conclude the essay by ending with some quotations, memorable and interesting thoughts.
- The last and the final point is to have a thorough review of the essay. Check for all the spelling, grammars and the order of the paragraphs within the body.
An essay is said to be important in a student’s educational life. All the academic institutions make essay writing an important part of their syllabus. It is also asked in different competitive exams including UPSC, IAS and other civil service exam. By writing an essay a student can learn how to frame the sentence, improve their spelling, grammar, and vocabulary, etc.
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