How to avoid plagiarism on your blog or website?



PLAGIARISM: What is it?
PLAGIARISM: According to Wikipedia, “An act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author’s work as one’s own, as by not crediting the original author. Stealing another idea or work without their permission is considered as plagiarism. Ideas are not copied writable anyone can copy your idea of thinking what you want to write for yourself. But under fair use, a small part can be reproduced without permission from copyright holder. But you must attribute the original source”.
So, how can we keep ourselves from copying someone else in order to protect their ingenuity and our own reputation? Here are the tips which will be useful for you.

1) Take your Time:
It mostly happens when you don’t have enough time and deadline is fast approaching to you. The first step is to plan enough time to research, writing blogs or articles and rewrite every time. Make sure you should take a chance to edit and double check your articles. So, that you don’t keep anything there that you didn’t write yourself.

2) Read Multiple Source:
Don’t just read from one source and get limited information. By reading from the different source you will get much knowledge, and you will be able to get the content of information for your blog. It will be useful for you and learn as much as you can.

3) Attribute:
If you think of your own idea or plot it from some source and express, it in your words be loyal to give them a link from where you took. Doing this it will make you free from the charge of plagiarism, and it is also a good idea concerning SEO.

4) Paraphrase:
Write it in your own words. Again then reread your post and see whether any words from any source didn’t come in the post or not. Keep the same language while writing. There is a fine line between Phrasing and plagiarism if you found such line don’t forget to give the link.

5) Writing Multiple times:
If you are afraid of writing multiple times than you are wrong. Write as much as the time your articles to get confirmed that you have not stolen anything from any writers. It will polish your story. Revise as many times you get to do it.



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