9 Best WordPress Affiliate Plugins For Affiliate Marketers

Affiliate marketing is leading trend in 2018. More and more people are joining in to become an affiliate marketer. One of the best thing about it earning, as if you are good at what you do, the sky is the limit. But when you start the affiliate marking, its also easy to manage just a few links but when you have more than dozens, you need some help. We have put together 9 Best WordPress Affiliate Plugins For Affiliate Marketers in this post.

  1. Thirsty Affiliates
Thirsty affiliates
Thirsty affiliates

If you search for any affiliate marketing tools, I bet you would find this one at the top. They have made a reputation which speaks for themselves. This is a free plugin in which you can manage all your link easily. One of the key element would be auto link feature which automatically links keywords to the affiliate link.

They have automatic 404 checkers which help you don’t miss any broken links. They have a great analytic tool which let you know how many clicks has been on your link. If you ever need to change any affiliated link than you can just change it in the interface. Without it, you have to go through every single post and change it. check out their website to know more about it.

  1. SkimLinks

This one helps you add your links quickly to the post. To write a post and publish it in affiliate marketing can take a huge part of your time and you need something which can help you. It will automatically find the keyword that can be monetized and link to it, so you can earn it through SkimLinks.

Some of you are maybe a tech blogger and always mention some app in your post, this will let you monetize that same app you mentioned in the post. You don’t need to sign up for every single affiliate link and it saves time and trouble. Just visit SkimLinks website to know more about it.

  1. Amazon links engine
Amazon Link engine
Amazon Link engine

Amazon links engine by Geni.us is one of the affiliate marketing plugins just for Amazon. You can boost your sales with this plugin by redirecting every link to the localize store. What it means is, if someone from the USA clicks your link than this plugin will send them to the US page of that link by recognizing through Geolocation.

It could be a game changer for you as sometimes your international reader would end up on the website which is from your country and they start searching for the same thing in their own country page to get a better deal and you would lose you’re earning just because of some misunderstanding. Check out their page to know more about Amazon links engine.

  1. SEO Smart link
SEO SMart links
SEO SMart links

This is also one of those automatic linking plugins but it will also help you in ranking your page in google. One of the smart things they did would be a list of link to list of keywords. Which mean once you define that keyword and add a link to it, every single time that keyword came, it will link directly to your affiliate link.

Automatic linking sometimes cause a problem as your content look like just full of links, with this plugin you can manage and add a link without compromising your content. Check out their plugin to know more about it.

  1. EasyAzon

Who doesn’t love the product preview without actually visiting the site? This plugin will help you with it as it has a pop-up preview option for your affiliate links. Which mean when your user put its curser on the top of the link, it will pop out a box with the product you have a link to. It will show little detail, enough for the reader to follow it to their page.

One more advantage you have with this plugin, if your reader goes through your link and puts something in the cart, you will have 89 more days to earn your affiliate. That mean, if in future, your reader goes back that website and find that product in its cart and buy it for 89 days, you will earn from it. check out EasyAzon website to know more about it.

  1. Pretty Link Lite
Pretty Links
Pretty Links

Pretty Links is a WordPress plugin that helps you to shrink, cloak, track, organize, and share short links using your domain name and brand. This plugin will track the number of unique click on your link as well as just click.

More importantly, it will generate pretty link like its name. when you shorten your link, it made no sense, but with this plugin, you can add a 3-4-character slug to make it more relevant to what you have a link to. Check out their website to know more about it.

  1. AdRotate
Ad rotate for wordpress
Ad rotate for wordpress

What is better than affiliated links? It’s affiliated ads. With this plugin, you can convert your links into an ad to get more earning. In its free tool, you can add and manage your affiliated link, schedule it and change it to know more about which one is getting more attention.

With the pro version, you can geotag your ad, not just country but city too. For example, if you have Affiliate link of some major food chain, then if someone from NewYork opens your page, they will see an ad for the New York and not for the whole USA. You can check out their website to learn more about it.

  1. Auto Affiliate Links
Auto Affiliate links
Auto Affiliate links

As the name suggests, this plugin will automatically link the keyword to your affiliate link. One of the best features it has would be limiting the link per page. It means if you want to create a post just to boost up your affiliated earning, you can set it to higher and if you want to write a post without much of the link, you can set it to low.

You can also set it to Dofollow and Nofollow link. To know more about this plugin, just visit Auto Affiliate Links plugin in WordPress.

  1. WordPress Affiliate Manager
wordpress affiliate manager
wordpress affiliate manager

At last, if you ever feel like running an Affiliated marketing, then this is the plugin for you. Now the roll has changed and you will need someone to run your ad on their blog and this plugin would help you in that.

You can promote your brand’s products and services by having your affiliates signup and login to their affiliate portal. You can run an unlimited number of affiliate marketing, you an track in real time and you can decide on Flat Rate or Percentage Based. Visit the website to know more.

Having a blog to run affiliated links is hard work in itself. That is why all this plugin would help you focus on other things and you can earn with ease. How many of them have you used? Do tell us in the comment.

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